Foundation Maintenance
Your one stop for foundation maintenance tips
Our articles, whitepapers and videos explain, step by step, foundation maintenance tips that every home owner should know.
Foundation Drainage:
Advanced reviews what foundation drainage solutions you currently have as well measures things such as the slope away from the foundation. With the survey in hand Advanced outlines a detailed foundation drainage solution customized for your situation.
Root Barriers:
Root barriers can be solid objects, sheets of material, zones of chemically treated soil (typically, the chemicals come in the form of pellets that are attached to a fabric) or any other barrier that keeps roots from growing into areas where they are not wanted. Advanced installs root barriers made of a three layer plastic membrane.
Moisture Barriers:
Moisture barriers are vertical layers of plastic that are buried in the ground. As water flows up against a moisture barrier, it is stopped and prevented from getting under a home.
Foundation Watering:
Expansive soils act like a sponge. As they absorb water, they swell and as they lose water they shrink. Soils tend to dry out (and shrink) during the summer and to absorb water (and swell) during the winter and spring.
There is a lot you can do on your own to take care of your foundation. Watch our how to videos on maintaining your foundation in our DIY series.
DIY Whitepapers:
There is a lot you can do yourself. Our whitepaper series helps you help yourself from how to’s on foundation maintenance to general repairs.
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