Keeping your home in excellent condition preserves not only its value but also limits the number of costly repairs you will have to do. In this post, we discuss seven property maintenance tips to help you keep your property in pristine condition.
1. Keep All Energy Systems Well-Maintained
Regularly maintaining your home’s appliances will help you save more on your annual energy bills. According to Energy Star, the average homeowner spends about $2,200 a year on energy bills, much of which can be saved by proper maintenance of HVAC equipment. At least once a year, be sure to have a professional inspect and perform general maintenance on your heating, air conditioning and ventilation systems. You will avoid costly repairs and help maintain the efficiency of each system when it’s most needed.
2. Regular Foundation Watering and Inspection
A poorly maintained foundation can ruin even the best of homes. During the warmer seasons, the spoil of your foundation may shrink due to the drier conditions of the soil which may weaken it. As such, it is vital to keep your home’s foundation watered to limit shrinking soil. If you’ve identified any new cracks in your foundation, this could be the beginning of much larger issues. Consult with a professional foundation inspector for advice on how best to water the area around your home to help maintain its integrity.
3. Spruce Up the Curb
Most homeowners spruce up their curbs only when they intend to sell their property, but regular yard maintenance will help preserve your property’s value over time. Consider touching up the landscape, repainting or replacing your front door, repairing or replacing a broken door handle or doorbell, and replacing the mailbox to increase your property’s curb appeal.
4. Weatherstrip and Caulk Your Windows and Doors
Although some windows and doors are already weather stripped, this original stripping eventually wears out. This means that you will have to replace it regularly. In the event that your windows and doors aren’t already weather stripped, caulking might be easier. Not only can this be used to seal the cracks between the window or doors and their frames, but it could also be used on any cracks on your home. Adding weather-stripping or caulk around your windows and doors will help eliminate any drafts of air entering or leaving your home, therefore reducing your energy costs.
5. Regularly Inspect and Maintain the Roof
In general, the roof of your home needs to be replaced every 10-20 years depending on what material is used. Performing regular inspections on your roof will enable you to catch any repairs before they develop into a major problem. Performing annual maintenance on your roof, such as removing any collected debris, can help it last the full length of its lifespan.
6. Inspect Your Plumbing and Repair Any Leaks Immediately
Inspect your toilets, shower heads, faucets, plumbing pipes, and sewer line every six months or so for any signs of leaking. Although any found leaks may be minor, they will save you money over the course of the year on your water bill. An annual inspection and repair will also keep the leaks from becoming a bigger issue, therefore saving you money in the long run.
7. Clear the Gutters and Downspouts
Having gutters on your home helps distribute collected water away from your home’s foundation. It is also an effective way of warding off water damages. Clear the gutters and downspouts regularly and make sure they are firmly attached to your property. They should always be positioned in such a way that they drain water away from your house, rather than allowing water to pool near the foundation, which can create bigger foundation problems in the future.
At Advanced Foundation Repair, we are a top-rated foundation repair company. Request a consultation today for more information about home maintenance and foundation repair.